Positive Displacement Flow Meter with Preset Elements

  • Low pressure drop—will operate on gravity flow or pump pressure.
  • Sustained accuracy—no wear from metal-to-metal contact inside the measuring chamber means minimal deterioration in accuracy over time, fewer recalibrations, and longer service life. Meters conform to NIST and International Weights and Measures accuracy requirements.
  • Wide temperature range—products can be metered accurately from -40° F (-40° C) to 160° F (71° C).
  • Wide viscosity range—LC meters can accurately meter products from less than 30 SSU (less than 1 centipoise) to 1,500,000 SSU (325,000 centipoise).
  • Maximum adaptability—right angle design with choice of stock or custom elbows/ fittings provides unequaled mounting flexibility to meet your installation requirements
  • High-viscosity iron casting type


Positive Displacement Flow Meters (PD flow meter)offer the ultimate in measurement accuracy for custody transfer of petroleum products, aviation fuels, LPG, and a broad range of industrial liquids.

PD flow meters incorporate a unique design, presenting minimal intrusion in a flowing stream of liquid, as well as minimal pressure drop through the meter. It consists of a housing in which three synchronized rotors turn with no metal-to-metal contact. Hydraulic sealing is accomplished by a stationary boundary layer of liquid, not by the wiping action of mechanical parts.

PD flow meter




Flow Range25-250L/mi n55-550 L/min115-1150 L/min170-1700L/min
Volume PerRevolution0.309L0.681L1.839L5.102L
Dimension51 X46X49 cm51 X46X49cm58x50X61cm76X64X72cm
Net Weight23kg26kg40kg70Kg
Gross Weight25kg28kg47kg93Kg
Max Pressure







Liter/ US Gallon/ IMP Gallon


Wooden Case


PD flow meter